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Adoption of the final report of the High Level Forum for a bet­ter functioning food supply chain

Since 2010, the High Level Forum for a better functioning food supply chain served a strategic mission: improving the functioning of this chain and thus the competitiveness of the agri-food sector as key segment of the Union economy.

date:  15/10/2014

See alsoPress Release


The Forum adopted today its final report which describes the work conducted in the second biennium 2013-2014 and reflects the outcome of the deliberations of its members in the following areas: business-to-business trading practices, Internal Market for food and drink products (e.g. on food taxes), sustainability, social dialogue and food price monitoring.

The report is accompanied by a paper describing the "State of food prices and food price monitoring in Europe".

The High Level Forum for a better functioning food supply chain comprises 47 members representing a number of Member States, European companies dealing with food production, processing or distribution, professional associations and non-governmental organisations representing citizens’ interests. It is chaired by Commissioner Ferdinando Nelli Feroci (Industry and Entrepreneurship) together with European Commission' Vice-President Michel Barnier (Internal Market and Services) and fellow Commissioners Dacian Cioloş (Agriculture and Rural Development) and Tonio Borg (Health and Consumers). Its mandate expires on 31/12/2014.