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2nd study workshop "Privacy and data protection policy for the civil use of drones"

date:  29/09/2014

venue:  Eurocontrol Headquarters, Rue de la Fusée 96 - 1030 Brussels - Belgium

Privacy and data protection associated with the civil and commercial use of drones is of utmost importance for the European Commission. Considering the fast development of such applications, the Commission wants to ensure privacy and data protection issues are properly addressed and taken into consideration. For that reason the EC commissioned a study into this issue, carried out by a consortium led by Trilateral Research & Consulting.

In this 2nd workshop on privacy related to drones (RPAS), participants provided feedback and constructive criticism on the final results and policy recommendations produced in the second phase of the study. It consisted of presentations by study researchers on the final results, presentations by RPAS experts who are dealing with these issues “on the ground” and break-out discussions on the recommendations themselves.

Contributions related to the following key questions:

  • What measures or procedures is your organisation using to address privacy and data protection issues?
  • Is the existing legal regime around privacy and data protection adequate given the risks associated with RPAS?
  • Are the policy recommendations produced by the study adequate to address these issues whilst protecting innovation and industry?
  • What does the RPAS industry need to assist it in addressing these issues?
  • How might Data Protection Authorities work with the RPAS sector?
  • How might Civil Aviation Authorities assist the RPAS sector in addressing these issues?

The researchers gathered this feedback and used the information to revise the draft recommendations.

The event attended industry representatives, privacy and data protection experts, legal experts, aviation authorities, civil society organisation representatives and data protection authorities.

Documents of this workshop (presentations, interventions, responses)

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