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Call for Proposals explained: Cultural Routes and Luxury Goods

The Commission recently launched a Call for Proposals, aiming to create a Cultural Route which showcases one high-end product, either perfume, chocolate or jewellery. In doing so it hopes to promote cooperation between tourism and the luxury goods industries.

date:  18/06/2014

  • Call reference: COS-WP2014-3-15.02
  • Deadline: 16 September 2014, 17.00 (Brussels time).

The call for proposal aims at funding the development and promotion of a new European Route which visits at least 5 Member States (and/or other countries participating in COSME). The Route must showcase key steps of the value chain of either perfume, chocolate or jewellery.

These three high-end products have been selected on the basis of their economic potential and capacity to diversify the European tourism offer during the low/medium season. By further exploiting the global reputation of these industries, Europe can diversify and expand its tourism offer.

This project will familiarise tourists with the historical, cultural and industrial aspects of luxury goods, and also encourage both the tourism and luxury goods industries to think creatively about how they can reach new markets.

The call’s specific objectives are to:

• facilitate exchanges of good practice, the development of networks and of discussion platforms between public decision-makers and the private sector, in the fields of cultural and industrial tourism.

• facilitate and stimulate public-private partnerships and the integration of enterprises of the cultural tourism sector into regional development strategies;

• improve the quality of the European tourism offer by a strengthened cross-border cooperation; and/or

• strengthen the management skills of public or private bodies in charge of developing thematic tourism products.          

More information, including how to apply: