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Workshop on "The civil use of drones, a challenge to privacy?"

Privacy and data protection associated with the civil and commercial use of drones is of outmost importance for the European Commission.

date:  28/05/2014

venue:  Eurocontrol Headquarters

Considering the fast development of such applications the Commission wants to ensure privacy and data protection issues are properly addressed and taken into consideration. For that reason the EC commissioned a study on respect carried out by a consortium led by Trilateral Research & Consulting.

Within the framework of this study we carried out the workshop addressing the privacy, data protection and ethical risks associated with civil use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS).

The purpose of the workshop was to engage in lively discussions about the future of this industry in Europe and the simultaneous promotion of European innovation and industry and the protection of European fundamental rights. The event showcased contributions related to the following key questions:

  • What are the potential privacy, data protection and ethical impacts when RPAS are used for civil applications by governments?
  • What are the potential privacy, data protection and ethical impacts when RPAS are used for commercial purposes?
  • What solutions are already being developed by the RPAS industry to address privacy and data protection?
  • What does the RPAS industry need to assist it in addressing these issues?
  • How can the RPAS industry be made more aware of public sentiment in relation to RPAS applications?
  • How might Data Protection Authorities work with the RPAS sector?
  • How might Civil Aviation Authorities assist the RPAS sector in addressing these issues?

The agenda and presentations are available below.

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