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Pushing for consumer safety. 10th anniversary of Europe’s Rapid alert system on dangerous products

For 10 years the EU Rapid Information system (RAPEX) has been guarding European consumers against un-safe non-food products. In 2013 a total of 2,364 measures were taken by EU Member States.

date:  25/03/2014

This figure indicates a 3.8% rise in alerts compared to 2012 and continues the increasing trend which has been apparent since the establishment of RAPEX in 2003.

In 2013, clothing, textiles and fashion items and toys (both 25%), were the two main product categories for which corrective measures had to be taken. Among the most frequently notified risks caused by these products were chemical risks, risk of strangulation, risk of injury and choking.

China is the number one country of origin in the alert system. Last year, 64% of the total number of notifications on dangerous products related to products coming from China.

Press release and press memo