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EGNOS : new RIMS, new System release (© ESSP)

date:  08/11/2013

See alsoEGNOS user support website

Two new RIMS have been deployed improving the performances and increasing the robustness and wider APV-1 availability coverage for users in the South area: RIMS Agadir (Morocco) and Abu Simbel (Egypt)1. Mentioned improvement can be checked into the EGNOS user support website.
RIMS Abu Simbel will be operational from 05.11.2013. RIMS Agadir will be operational from 07.11.2013.
EGNOS System Release v2.3.2 deployment
From an EGNOS user point of view, deployment started on October 28th, 2013 with the first ESR v2.3.2 SiS broadcasting and it ended on November 7th, 2013 with the deployment of Agadir RIMS site.
It brings :
  • Improvements in the EGNOS algorithms enhancing ionospheric monitoring and increasing the robustness of EGNOS to some specific Ionosphere events.
  • Increase of the robustness of EGNOS to some specific GPS events (e.g. robustness to wrong GPS ephemeris).
  • EGNOS PRN mask has been modified to include one additional satellite, SVN66/PRN27 (GPS IIF #4). This new satellite will increase service availability over the border coverage areas, mainly the southern area.
  • Additional improvements on some system elements providing additional robustness and reliability, mainly, thanks to the solution of obsolescence for several EGNOS elements (e.g.TWAN, RIMS A caesium clock…)


the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service, is a Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) that improves the accuracy and provides integrity to the GPS Signal over most of Europe.The EC owns and manages the EGNOS system. ESA is the EGNOS design agent under a delegation agreement with the EC. Similar services are provided in North America by the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), in Japan by the Multifunctional Satellite Augmentation System (MSAS) and in India by the GAGAN System. Other similar Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) are under study or development in other regions of the world. It is Europe's first venture into satellite navigation and a major stepping-stone towards Galileo, Europe's own global satellite navigation system for the future.
founded in 2009 by the Air navigation services providers from France (DGAC/DSNA), Germany (DFS), Italy (ENAV)), Portugal (NAV-P), Spain (Aena), Switzerland (skyguide) and UK (NATS) to act as service Provider for the EGNOS system, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. ESSP has for mission the provision of the EGNOS Open Service (OS) and Safety of Life (SoL) Service compliant with ICAO SBAS standards and recommended practices throughout the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) Region and is also in charge of the provision of the EDAS Service (EGNOS Data Access Service).