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New EGNOS-based approach procedures in Poland.

ESSP and the Polish ANSP PANSA have just signed an EGNOS Working Agreement (EWA) as a key step for the implementation of EGNOS-based operations (mainly LPV approach procedures) in Poland.

The signature has been sealed last February by ESSP President Dirk Werquin and PANSA ‘s President Krzysztof Banaszek. From now on, Polish airports can start publishing EGNOS-based procedures that will improve safety, accessibility and efficiency to pilots and operators.

EGNOS provides a cost effective alternative to ILS CAT I, offering similar performance without the need for infrastructure installation and maintenance, and it is free!.

  • EGNOS: the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service, is a Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) that improves the accuracy and provides integrity to the GPS Signal over most of Europe.

    The EC owns and manages the EGNOS system. ESA is the EGNOS design agent under a delegation agreement with the EC.
  • ESSP SAS: founded in 2009 by the Air navigation services providers from France (DGAC/DSNA), Germany (DFS), Italy (ENAV)), Portugal (NAV-P), Spain (Aena), Switzerland (skyguide) and UK (NATS) to act as service Provider for the EGNOS system, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service.
  •  LPV is a non-precision approach. It stands for Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance and typically takes you down to 200-250 ft decision height.