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Interim Report of the EU/US Cooperation on Satellite navigation released (Working Group C, ARAIM Technical Subgroup)

The U.S.-EU Agreement on GPS-Galileo Cooperation signed in 2004 established the principles for the cooperation activities between the United States of America and the European Union in the field of satellite navigation.

The Agreement foresaw a working group to promote cooperation on the design and development of the next generation of civil satellite-based navigation and timing systems. This work became the focus of Working Group C (WG-C).

The subject Interim Report documents EU/U.S. accomplishments in developing the concept of ARAIM (Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) as a future basis for a multi-constellation support for global air navigation.
The document captures the main findings of the studies conducted so far by joint teams on both sides of the Atlantic.

The report was prepared collaboratively thanks to the contributions from EU and US institutions, specialized agencies, research institutes and universities

The purpose of releasing this Interim Report is to inform the GNSS community about the progress made in this area thanks to the cooperative work of the U.S. and the EU, to call for comments on the findings, as well as to build a broad consensus towards the future standardization of ARAIM at international level.

After the release of this Interim Report, the joint work programme will continue in this domain, where good cooperation is already proving to generate fruitful results for the benefit of the whole GNSS community.

The ARAIM Technical Subgroup was established on July 2010, within the Working Group C set-up in the frame of the current U.S.-EU GPS-Galileo Cooperation Agreement.
The ultimate objective of the ARAIM SG is to establish whether - and how - ARAIM can be the basis for a multi-constellation concept to support air navigation worldwide.
Specifically, ARAIM should support en-route flight and it should also support lateral and vertical guidance during approach operations.