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High-Level Conference: EU-Africa Partnership on Raw Materials

Translating Mineral Resource Wealth into Real Development for Africa

date:  26/01/2012

venue:  Hotel Metropole

Organiser:  DG ENTR/G3

See alsoMore information, agenda and registratio...

"We should work toward a coherent vision on development, mining and raw materials, to support African capacity at the appropriate national, sub-regional or continental level and within the available cooperation instruments". (Joint Africa-EU strategy action plan 2011-13)

An exchange of views on how to implement raw materials aspects of the Joint Africa-EU strategy action plan 2011-13 .

Speakers/participants from Africa & Europe – governments of countries involved in mining, international organisations, industry, civil society organisations, development partners.

Conference themes:
Session 1. Good governance
Promoting natural resources governance including increasing revenue transparency; applying appropriate fiscal regimes and involving relevant stakeholders including the civil society; best practices to negotiate mineral contracts; assistance in developing policy scenarios for promoting trade and the sustainable development of the mining sector. 
Session 2. Investment and infrastructure
Analytical tools for mapping mining development corridors for investment promotion; opportunities for increasing local content and value-added through local processing of African mineral resources, particularly by SMEs; improving mineral policy and related regulatory frameworks including on land use planning for minerals and authorization process in order to promote the investment climate; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). 
Session 3. Geological knowledge and skills
Facilitation of exploring mineral resources potential in Africa; co-operation between African and European geological surveys; capacity building to help improve material stewardship, meaning the responsibility for environmental quality shared by all those actions which affect the environment, including on rehabilitation of mining sites and management of secondary raw materials (recycling).