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Opening the world for small and medium sized enterprises to enhance EU growth

European small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) should better profit from fast growing emerging markets. This is the key issue to overcome the crisis addressed in the European Commission communication ‘Small Business, Big World - a new partnership to help SMEs seize global opportunities’.

date:  09/11/2011

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Only 13% of EU SMEs are internationally active outside the EU through trade, investment or other forms of cooperation with foreign partners. Therefore, the Commission is working to establish a more coherent and effective EU strategy for supporting SMEs in international markets. This could be achieved by reinforcing business support services, improving the coordination and use of existing resources including the Enterprise Europe Network. Thus SMEs have better access to more relevant information and assistance in their attempts to penetrate new markets and search for the right local partners.

European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said: "Major non-EU markets with strong growth rates represent significant opportunities for EU small enterprises. SMEs are Europe's main economic strength. To help them to better exploit their potential in the global arena is a clear priority to boost competitiveness and create employment."