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European SME Week 2011 campaign launched

The yearly European SME Week is a pan-European campaign designed to promote and support entrepreneurship. It showcases the support available to business at European, national, regional and local level. At events SMEs and micro-firms share experiences and develop their businesses. There is also a special focus on promoting entrepreneurship as a career option, especially for younger people. The registration of events for the European SME Week 2011 starts today as the new website for the campaign goes online. The registration of events will be open until 30 November 2011.

date:  02/05/2011

See alsoEuropean SME Week website

The European SME Week will take place from 3 until 9 October 2011 and events under its umbrella can be organised from May until the end of December 2011.

The European SME Week is a Europe-wide communication campaign taking place in the 37 countries participating in the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme.

The European SME Week aims to:

  • inform entrepreneurs about the support available for their businesses (e.g. financing, access to business partners, advice, business education, etc.) at European, national regional and local level;
  • promote entrepreneurship so that more Europeans, and in particular younger ones, seriously consider becoming an entrepreneur as a career option, and
  • give recognition to entrepreneurs for their contribution to Europe's welfare, job creation, innovation and competitiveness.