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International market distortion hampers new technologies

Key enabling technologies (KETs) are an essential element of 21st century industry. Comprising advancements such as nanotechnology and industrial biotechnology, KETs enhance conventional industrial products and provide enormous economic potential.

Unleashing the huge potential of key enabling technologies for jobs

The European Commission has today called for a European effort to boost Key Enabling Technologies (KETs). The global market in KETs, which comprises micro- and nanoelectronics, advanced materials, industrial biotechnology, photonics, nanotechnology and advanced manufacturing systems, is forecast to grow from € 646 Billion to over € 1 Trio by 2015.

High-Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies presents mid-term working document

The High-Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies met today to endorse its mid-term working document. The document was received by European Commission Vice Presidents Antonio Tajani, Neelie Kroes and Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn. The report presents a diagnosis of the current situation on the deployment of key enabling technologies in EU industries.