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Overview   Automotive

Ensuring a future for steel in Europe

The European Commission today put forward an action plan for the European Steel Industry to help this sector confront today’s challenges and lay the foundations for future competitiveness by fostering innovation, creating growth and jobs. For the first time since the Davignon Plan of 1977, the Commission is proposing an Action Plan for steel.

15 000 national technical regulations in the EU

Although we enjoy the free movement of goods in the internal market, more than 15 000 national technical regulations can make it difficult for enterprises to sell their products (from bicycles to foodstuffs) in other Member States.

Too good to be true: the real price of fake products

Counterfeiting activities account for over €200 billion in losses for the world economy and it is estimated that such losses may climb further. They harm the European economy, as they damage legitimate business and starve innovation. And fake goods compete unfairly with genuine products, putting many jobs at risk in Europe.