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Overview   Calls   Calls for Proposals

Call for proposals: Supporting the production of design-based consumer goods

This Call, offering support to design-based consumer goods projects, aims to shorten the time-to-market of innovative solutions, remove obstacles to wider application of creative solutions, create or enlarge markets for related products (or services) and improve the competitiveness of European SMEs in world markets.

Call for proposals: Statistics for Family Businesses

The aim of this call is to provide policy-makers and stakeholders with credible, comparable and systematic information and indicators on the role of the family businesses in national economies. The projects selected should also support the development of statistics in countries which have not yet collected information on family business.

Call for Intermediary Organisations of Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program

The aim of the call is to expand and strengthen the existing network of Intermediary Organisations (IOs)for the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program. The IOs implement the programme at local level. They act as local contact points for newly established entrepreneurs as well as experienced entrepreneurs in the participating countries.

Cluster Excellence Programme

The overall objective of this Call for proposals is to pursue the EU efforts aimed to strengthen cluster management excellence in the EU as a way to provide more professional business services to European SMEs through clusters and therefore contribute to the development of more world-class clusters in the EU.

Cultural Routes and Luxury Goods

This call for Proposals aims to create a Cultural Route showcasing one high-end product, either perfume, chocolate or jewellery. Its objective is to promote cooperation between tourism and the luxury goods industries.

Call for Intermediary Organisations of Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program

The aim of this call is to expand and strengthen the existing network of Intermediary Organisations (IOs) which act as local contact points for newly established entrepreneurs as well as experienced entrepreneurs in the participating countries. IOs will be selected to implement the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme at local level.