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Online public stakeholder workshop on the study, 'International postal service, remuneration and regulation'

You are invited to join this online workshop, which will be an opportunity to hear the first results of the study on 'International postal service, remuneration and regulation' being prepared by WIK-Consult.

date:  22/09/2020

venue:  Online (using Webex)

The workshop will take place from approximately 14.00 to 16.30 (CEST).  

It will be an opportunity to hear the first results of the study, 'International postal service, remuneration and regulation' being prepared by WIK-Consult.

After an overview of developments of international e-commerce markets and the recent changes to the Universal Postal Union (UPU) remuneration systems, the aims of this study are to analyse

  • the economic effects of UPU remuneration systems on postal operators, e-retailers and consumers
  • customs, VAT and security aspects of postal imports, considering the EU reforms planned for 2021

The preliminary results of the study are based on extensive surveys of postal operators, regulators and customs authorities, as well as on interviews, modelling work and other research.

Attendees will be able to exchange opinions on these important developments and share views on the way forward in a Q&A session.

In addition, there will be a panel debate, moderated by WIK-Consult, to discuss subjects related to the study.

Final agenda

14.00   Welcome - Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW)

14.10   Development of international e-commerce logistics and business models - Presentation by WIK-Consult

14.30   Q&A

14.45   Impact of terminal dues increases on designated operators, e-retailers and consumers - Presentation by WIK-Consult

15.05   Q&A

15.20   Customs, security and VAT for postal imports - Presentation by WIK-Consult

15.30   Panel discussion on customs, security and VAT for postal imports with panellists:

  • Agnes Nagy - Head of Unit for Customs Legislation, Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union, European Commission
  • Noor Adan - Supply Chain Coordinator, Postal Operations Directorate, Universal Postal Union
  • Vicenzo Aurelio - Head of Relations with International Authorities and Organizations, Poste Italiane
  • Walter van der Meiren - Director, Customs Brokerage, UPS Europe and Chairman of the Customs and Trade Facilitation Committee at Amcham EU

16.00   Q&A

16.15   Concluding remarks - DG GROW

16.30   End of workshop

The agenda is also available as a PDF

Please register to the workshop no later than 15 September 2020. 
