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Future disruptive defence technologies: information event

The European Commission organised an information event on the call topic PADR-FDDT-OPEN-03-2019 'challenging the future' in Brussels on 24 June 2019 between 14:30 to 18:00. Web streaming was also available.

Related topics

Defence industries

date:  24/06/2019 - 24/06/2019


Event info materials


The Preparatory action on defence research (PADR) provides an overall budget of €90 million over 2017-2019 for supporting joint defence research at EU level. It is a test phase in view of the preparation of the research component of the future European defence fund, a more ambitious EU defence research and development programme to launch under the next EU multi-annual financial framework as of 2021.

Under the PADR, 2 rounds of calls for proposals occurred in 2017 and 2018. The third and last call for proposals published on 21 March 2019 with the topic PADR-FDDT-OPEN-03-2019 'Challenging the future' is open from 4 June to 3 September 2019 for proposal submission.

The 2019 PADR call for proposals is published on the Commission’s funding and tender opportunities portal, together with all related documents and templates.

What was addressed?

The Commission informed about the particularities of this call, which is looking for proposals on cutting-edge, high-risk/high-impact research leading to a game-changing impact in defence.

This topic is open for all themes, but proposals must demonstrate that they have all of the following characteristics

  • a disruptive impact in a defence context
  • radical vision
  • breakthrough technological targets

On this occasion, the Commission presented the 2-stage evaluation procedure, including an assessment of the defence disruptive character of the first-stage outline proposal.

Who was this for?

This information event was a unique opportunity to improve knowledge about the context, the objectives and the participation modalities of the call topic PADR-FDDT-OPEN-03-2019 'challenging the future'.

Representatives from legal entities established in the 28 EU countries and Norway were welcome. Industry, be it larger companies or small and medium enterprises, defence industry associations or clusters, national or European research institutes and universities were invited to participate. The Commission particularly encouraged actors who are traditionally not active in the defence sector to participate in this information event.

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