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Questionnaire: 'Adapting EU requirements on silencers with fibrous materials for M- and N-category vehicles'

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs is seeking input from stakeholders. It regards various aspects of silencing systems with fibrous materials, such as usage and current practices, technological issues, effectiveness, and suggestions for further improvements.

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date:  13/02/2018

The Directorate-General assigned EMISIA (GR), HSDAC (DE), and LAT/AUTH (GR) with the task to perform “a technical and financial feasibility investigation on silencing systems containing acoustically absorbing fibrous materials for M- and N-category vehicles”. The investigation takes into account the current availability, technical progress and future perspectives, as well as the opinion of

  • the industry
  • technical services
  • type approval
  • other national authorities

The outcome of this study is expected to provide an assessment of the current and future state of play in the development of the relevant technology.

Are you a stakeholder? If so, please contribute to the study and provide feedback by answering this questionnaire. (Password: fibrous)

We would appreciate receiving your feedback by 15 March 2018.