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Kick-off Event of the Smart Specialisation Platform on Industrial Modernisation

The European Commission's S3 Platform on Industrial Modernisation calls upon the regions that have priorities in their research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) related to industrial modernisation to join forces in joint investment projects to foster the development of new European value chains.

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date:  16/11/2016 - 17/11/2016

venue:  Fira de Barcelona Conference Center, c/ Foc, 37 - 08038 Barcelona - Spain

See alsoSmart Specialisation Platform for indust...

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The European Commission is committed to developing support and advisory services to accelerate this project pipeline.

The kick-off event of the platform will take place in Barcelona on 16-17 November 2016 is open to all European regions committed to industrial modernisation. More specifically, the event aims to bring together regions that have already submitted their expressions of interest in specific thematic partnerships as well as those willing to join these proposed partnerships, or interested in submitting new proposals for such interregional collaborations.

During the event in Barcelona, the European Commission services will jointly present an overview of EU support activities ranging from analytical support as well as expert/advisory support  to various funding instruments.

The event is co-organised by the European Commission's S3 Platform together with the Government of Catalonia and is coinciding with the Smart City Congress. Registered participants of the S3P-Industrial Modernisation event will have free access to the Smart City Congress exhibition.

Registration information
To register, please complete the online form.