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15th meeting of Platform 2 of the Eastern Partnership

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date:  12/05/2016

venue:  Brussels - Belgium

See alsoThe Eastern Partnership

Platform 2 of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) deals with economic integration and convergence with EU policies. The 15th meeting focused on economic governance as part of the roll-out of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Review. In line with proposals made in the mid-term review of the Work Programme the Platform is now addressing more strategic and horizontal topics for a continuous policy dialogue with partner countries on issues related to economic integration and development.

All 6 partner countries were present. 3 of them had brought along business representatives as part of their delegation.

11 EU countries as well as representatives of the Civil Society Forum, the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Invesement Bank (EIB), the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the EU4Business Secretariat also participated.

Representatives of the EEAS, the Directorate-General (DG) for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (NEAR) and DG Trade provided an overview of political and trade relations and cooperation activities. DG NEAR informed the meeting about the state of play of the different components of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement Facility for SMEs and referred to the new 'EU4Business' branding. This was followed by a short presentation from DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion on their plans for the future establishment of a Panel on Youth Employability, including a first structured dialogue foreseen for autumn 2016.

The session on economic governance was kicked off by a presentation from DG Economic and Financial Affairs on the spring 2016 European Economic Forecast and on macroeconomic developments and remaining challenges in partner countries. DG NEAR's Centre for Thematic Expertise outlined how economic governance can help partner countries to build a clear economic vision balancing objectives of macro-financial stability with socio-economic development challenges. A representative from the National Bank of Lithuania provided the perspective of an EU country by sharing the main elements of Lithuania's response to the 2009 financial crisis.

The afternoon session focused on partner countries' frameworks for economic governance and sustainable development. Moldova presented 'Moldova 2020' which focuses on the reduction of poverty by increasing competitiveness and improving the business environment among other things. Ukraine provided an update of reforms undertaken under 'Ukraine 2020' focusing on key horizontal reforms such as deregulation, public procurement, fiscal policy as well as sectoral policies in the area of energy, agriculture etc. The presentation by Georgia outlined the priorities its Social-economic Development Strategy, 'Georgia 2020', namely competitiveness of the private sector, development of human resources and access to finance. The Armenian representative presented the Armenia Development Strategy (ADS) as a long term vision until 2025 implemented through several government programmes. The presentations from Azerbaijan focused on the adjustment of economic activity following the decline in oil prices through diversification, strengthening of the non-oil economy and greater focus on SME development. The representative of Belarus presented the National Strategy for the Sustainable Social and Economic Development of Belarus for the period until 2030. The three main components of the strategy are people, economy and ecology.

The afternoon session was closed with a brief review of past and future events as well as a presentation of the resolution of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly on EU multiannual financial perspectives and their impact on economic cooperation among Eastern Partnership countries.  

The Eastern Partnership is an effort by the EU and its Eastern European partners to promote political and economic reforms in the Eastern partner region, and support efforts of the countries in the region to move closer to the EU. It is part of the EU Neighbourhood Policy.

It works on bilateral and multilateral tracks. 4 thematic platforms which meet twice a year are the main tool of the multilateral track. The Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs coordinates and chairs Platform 2, which is the broadest platform covering many sectorial policies.