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Cities and regions as launch pads for digital transformation

The aim of this workshop is to show the main attributes which characterise digital transformation and the steps needed to facilitate this transformation.

date:  11/10/2016 - 11/10/2016

venue:  European Commission, Centre Borschette, Room 0D, Rue Froissart 36 - 1040 Brussels - Belgium

Organiser:  DG GROW, Unit F3: KETs, Digital Manufacturing and Interoperability

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Cities and regions are entering a new area of transformation: a digital transformation which embraces social, economic, urban, mobility, educational, technological and cultural changes.

A blueprint, conceived as a smart guidebook for local stakeholders will be presented, and two cities or regions, subjects of the comparative analysis of the blueprint, will present their challenges and achievements.

The European Commission will also present support actions related to this topic.

Chair: John Higgins

Speakers: Tomas Diez, Dana Eleftheriadou, Adam Pustelnik, Jan Sturesson Jan

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