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Workshop on geo-blocking and other geographically-based restrictions when shopping and accessing information in the EU

The objectives of this event are to present developments from the European Commission including the available options, gather input on different situations, and discuss when geo-blocking and discrimination can be justified and when they cannot.

date:  18/02/2016 - 18/02/2016

Structure of the workshop

A 1-day seminar – 10h00 to 16h30, possibility for participants to attend until 13h00.

9h00-10h00 – Welcome coffee

  • 10h00-10h30 – Welcome address from the Dutch Presidency / Introduction by the European Commission
  • 10h30-11h30 – Discussing problems: report on mystery shopping/(webscraping study)/outcome of public consultation/e-commerce sector enquiry/ private studies (60 minutes)
    • Case-study: researcher / Paypal?
    • Commission speaker
    • Consumer representative
    • Q&As

11h30-11h45 – coffee break

  • 11h45-12h30 – Interest-based groups: splitting the audience into two groups (service providers/service recipients) to
    • discuss the potential impact of the proposed options
    • identify cases / reasons which can/cannot justify differences of treatment
      Commission moderator for each group / reporting in plenary

12h30-13h30 – lunch break

  • 13h30-14h30 – The "real story" involving mixed groups (consumers/businesses) discussing concrete cases and answering the following questions:
    • Is this unjustified geo-blocking/discrimination?
    • Can the reason for geo-blocking/discrimination be based on "objective criteria"?
    • plenary presentation of outcomes.
  • 14h30-15h30 – Round table discussions on:
    • How to improve transparency and access to information?
    • Sanctions, Problem-solving: how to ensure compliance?
  • 15h30-16h00: Conclusions