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Workshop: financing possibilities for Key Enabling Technologies & Digital Transformation projects under the Investment Plan

This workshop served to provide Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) and Digital Transformation projects with information on financing possibilities through the European Fund For Strategic Investments. The workshop took place on 10 December 2015.

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Industry KETs

date:  10/12/2015

venue:  Auditorium of Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Organiser:  DG GROW / F1 and F3

ContactKETs, Digital Manufacturing and Int...

This workshop was aimed at private as well as public stakeholders involved in KETs and digital transformation and was an occasion to get a better understanding about practical ways and tools to participate in the Investment Plan.


Since the global economic and financial crisis, Europe has been suffering from low levels of investment. Collective and coordinated efforts at European level are needed to reverse this downward trend and put the EU on the path of economic recovery.

The €315 billion European Investment Plan is an important tool to speed up the economic growth and boost job creation in Europe.

The European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI) has a huge potential to contribute to the modernisation of the European industry but its success depends on the industrial participation.

The uptake of advanced digital technologies and Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) by industrial and service sectors is crucial for the future competitiveness of the EU.

Documents from the workshop

Presentation by DG Research & Innovation (European Commission) (pdf, 2 MB)

Presentation by the European Investment Bank (pdf, 1 MB)

Presentation by Belgian company Van de Wiele (pdf, 2 MB)

Presentation by Italian company Saes Group (pdf, 2 MB)

More information

Key Enabling Technologies in the EU

Digital Transformation of the European Industry

Strategic Policy Forum on Digital Entrepreneurship

The European Investment Plan

European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI)

Competitiveness of SMEs (COSME)

Horizon 2020