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Seminar on "Delivering on skills: Collaborative EU responses to skills mismatches and bottlenecks for increased competitiveness"

date:  17/11/2014

venue:  European Economic and Social Committee, Room VM 3 (2nd floor), Rue van Maerlant 2 - 1040 Brussels - Belgium

Organiser:  European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee, DG EMPL and DG ENTR


The skills mismatch is an important contributor to Europe's unemployment and an evident handicap for the competitiveness of EU companies and industrial change. This event, jointly organised by the European Commission (Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and Directorate General Enterprise and Industry) and the European Economic and Social Committee, seeks to explore good practice, notably those developed by fashion and related industries, in the area of skills matching, interoperability among national skills classifications and anticipation of skills needs.

Time: 13:00-18:00 (Starting with lunch)