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European Commission welcomes European Parliament's approval of new rules for pressure equipment

The European Parliament voted in favour of a Commission proposal to streamline and simplify the rules for pressure equipment products enhancing the internal market and make life for business easier at the same time.

date:  16/04/2014

The Pressure Equipment Directive covers a very wide range of products from fire extinguishers to industrial equipment such as compressors, heat exchangers, storage vessels and piping constituting large and complex assemblies use in manufacturing and process industries. The proposal will introduce more coherent rules which will lower compliance costs for businesses, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. This will include clearer responsibilities for manufacturers, importers and distributors selling products. Product safety will be improved through better traceability which will allow tracking down defective or unsafe products. Authorities will be better equipped to stop dangerous products imported from third countries through improved national market surveillance. The proposal will therefore make product safety more effective across the EU. It is now up to the EU Member States to adopt their position in the Council.

Press release

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