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Opening plenary: Collaborative economy in the tourism accommodation sector

The Commission adopted the Communication on the European Agenda for the Collaborative Economy in June 2016. In this Communication, the Commission committed to working together with Member States and stakeholders to monitor developments in the collaborative economy and exchange best practices.

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date:  14/02/2017

venue:  Brussels - Belgium

See alsoCOM(2016)356 final - European agenda for...


The Commission is envisaging working in partnership with the relevant public and private stakeholders to facilitate the balanced development of the collaborative economy in the Single Market.

With this in mind, it is organising a number of workshops bringing it together with Member States and private stakeholders to discuss policy and regulatory practices, focusing at this stage on the collaborative tourism accommodation sector.

The overall objective of this project is to reduce regulatory fragmentation, facilitate the implementation of EU rules and promote best practice in this sector.

We would like to invite you to the opening plenary of this project, which will be held on 14 February 2017.

Please note that, due to the capacity of the venue, participation to this event is limited to 2 people per organisation and will be possible on a first-come-first-served basis.

Registration closes at 12.00 noon on 9 February 2017.