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The Collaborative Economy: How to regulate and stimulate a new economic paradigm

This event will look at which policies public authorities can implement to optimise the collaborative economy for consumers and companies. It is part of the Single Market Forum 2016/2017.

date:  27/03/2017

venue:  Egmont Palace, Brussels - Belgium

ContactMerja Saloniemi-Cryans

The event begins with a presentation by the European Commission of its work in this field. There will also be a plenary session where Belgian federal government departments present their approaches.

Three workshops will examine the role of online platforms as catalysts for the collaborative economy, the social aspects, and the experiences of actors in this new economy.


Every day entrepreneurs create new collaborative solutions to address ecological and socio-economic challenges. Through co-working, cooperatives, fablabs and crowdfunding platforms, new economic activities are created thanks to the collaborative economy. 

The solutions and activities created have a wide impact on things such as consumption, production, financing and knowledge.

Conference programme and presentations (in French).