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Conference on strategic public procurement: Procuring sustainable, innovative, and socially responsible solutions

This conference raised awareness among decision makers and the procurement community about the benefits of strategic procurement, with an emphasis on sustainability, social responsibility and innovation. It featured speakers recognised for their expertise and leadership in the field.

date:  02/06/2017

venue:  UICP Espaces Congrès, 16 rue Jean Rey - 75015 Paris - (France)

The European Commission invited people at the forefront of thinking, leading and practicing in strategic public procurement. The panellists represented the most advanced EU countries, promising initiatives across the whole of the EU, and OECD countries.

The topics and speakers enabled a constructive dialogue on rolling out strategic public procurement, including the challenges this presents for established views.

Highlights of the conference


  • Opening speeches – Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD ; Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Commissioner for Internal Market Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Policy challenges

  • Session I – Political ownership for Strategic Public Procurement
  • Session II – Policies for Strategic Public Procurement

Key implementation challenges

  • Session III – Getting the market on board: market consultations
  • Session IV – Designing the right award criteria for promoting SPP

Conference agenda


Public procurement is a powerful tool that can contribute to societal changes. Its impact can be significant as it amounts to 14% of EU GDP. There is room for improvement in using public procurement in a strategic way. Some simple steps, linked to how public procurement works and the definition of priority areas, can make a significant contribution to economic growth and job creation, helping to improve people’s lives.


This event is now over.

Practical information

Date and time: 2 June 2017, 09:30 to 17:00. Registration starts at 08:30.

Languages: Simultaneous interpretation will be provided from and into English and French.

Costs: Participation in the conference is free of charge. Participants must pay their own travel and accommodation expenses. These expenses will not be reimbursed by the organisers.

Meals: Participants will be offered coffee in the morning and in the afternoon, as well as lunch.

Public transport: The UICP Espaces Congrès can be reached on Metro Line 6 (Bir Hakeim Station), RER Line C (Champ de Mars Station), and buses 42, 69, 82, and 87.

UICP Espaces Congrès website

For questions about the conference, send an email to:


This event was webstreamed.

Watch the replay

Personal data protection

By filling in an application form, the applicant will be considered to have given his or her consent to the processing of these data in the context of this conference. An application to attend the conference will involve the treatment of personal data concerning the participant by the Directorate General Interpretation, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001.

Please also note that the conference will be recorded and that you may be filmed and photographed.