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EU Finance Podcast – special edition

The latest false Russian narrative is that sanctions are not working. Article after article gets pushed to world media. Russian proxies and populist politicians parrot the same line. Why? Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas talks with the EU Sanctions Envoy David O’Sullivan back to the podcast to shed some light on the subject. Spoiler Alert! It’s because sanctions ARE indeed working.

Finance news in brief

EVP Dombrovskis welcomes Belgium's move to use tax revenue from frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine.

David O’Sullivan

Interview with newly appointed international special envoy for the implementation of EU sanctions.


One year since the full-scale invasion by Russia: how the EU stands with Ukraine.

EU sanctions

Restrictive measures against Russia are working, but effective implementation is key.

John Berrigan

DG FISMA's Director-General talks about the energy crisis, sanctions, and the digital agenda.