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The one about…

EIOPA: EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas chats with Petra Hielkema, Chairperson of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

The one about…

The Chair of the European Banking Authority: EU Finance podcast host Aidas Palubinskas talks with EBA Chairperson Jose Manuel Campa.

The one about…

The Banking Package (Basel III): EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas and Almoro Rubin de Cervin, head of the EU’s banking regulation and supervision unit, examine where we are with banking reform, and if it is really the final step in the reform of banking rules.

Anti-money laundering

New AML rules will change the EU’s financial crime prevention landscape for good. But what will change in practice?

Anti-Money Laundering

Frankfurt to host new authority that will play a key role in EU fight against illicit financial activities.

EU supervisory reporting

Strategy on supervisory data – two years of making reporting in EU financial services more efficient.

NPL Securitisation

NPL advisory panel paper looks at the role of securitisation in developing NPL secondary markets.

Dominique Laboureix

SRB Chair on bank resolution and how being prepared helps avoid crises in the Banking Union.

Finance news in brief

NPL advisory panel publishes paper on role of securitisation to further develop secondary markets for NPLs.


DG FISMA Deputy Director General, Alexandra Jour-Schroeder, on the EU anti-money laundering regime.