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Item Overview

AI in finance

How does the uptake of Artificial Intelligence systems impact finance?

EU financial system

Annual review and conference take stock of financial stability and integration in the EU.


Know your rights when it comes to using your IBAN number to make euro payments in the EU.

Platform on Sustainable Finance publishes new report

Today the Platform on Sustainable Finance, an advisory body to the Commission, published its report on “A Compendium of Market Practices”. The report shows the first comprehensive evidence that the EU Taxonomy and the wider sustainable finance framework are being used by the market and have already had a positive impact on the ground. After six years since the adoption of the 2018 Action Plan, the report showcases concrete examples demonstrating the benefits stemming from the uptake of the sustainable finance toolkit by the market as an effective tool to navigate the transition to net zero. The Platform on Sustainable Finance will present the report during a webinar on Tuesday 6th February, 13:00 – 14:20.

Consultation: Markets in Crypto-assets

The implementation of the Markets in Crypto-assets (MiCA) Regulation is on track to apply as of 2024! The Commission has launched a 4-week consultation on the Have Your Say portal on four delegated regulations to be adopted by the Commission under Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 on markets in crypto-assets. These delegated regulations are the first of a series of delegated acts to complement and complete the EU regulatory framework on crypto-assets. The Commission would like to hear your views! The feedback period will end on 6 December 2023 (midnight Brussels time).


Joint Statement to provide affordable, accessible and transparent remittance services to Ukraine.


The EU is becoming one of the first jurisdictions in the world to introduce comprehensive rules on crypto-assets, protecting consumers, financial stability & innovation.

The one about…

EIOPA: EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas chats with Petra Hielkema, Chairperson of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

The one about…

The Chair of the European Banking Authority: EU Finance podcast host Aidas Palubinskas talks with EBA Chairperson Jose Manuel Campa.

The one about…

The Banking Package (Basel III): EU Finance Podcast host Aidas Palubinskas and Almoro Rubin de Cervin, head of the EU’s banking regulation and supervision unit, examine where we are with banking reform, and if it is really the final step in the reform of banking rules.

Anti-money laundering

European Parliament votes in favour of the legislative package on anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT).

EU financial centres

Following the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the EU, the European financial sector has successfully adapted to the post-Brexit reality. An article in Revue Banque takes a closer look.


LinkedIn - EU Economy and Finance

New LinkedIn page

Follow the new EU Economy and Finance page to stay up to date on the latest developments in EU economic affairs, financial services, taxation, and customs.

Call for tender

DG FISMA is launching a call for tender for a comprehensive study, to be completed within one year, to identify barriers to/ways in which to support the scaling up and consolidation of investment funds, stock exchanges and post-trading infrastructure – with the aim of enhancing the knowledge base, developing the necessary scale, creating deeper pools of liquidity and helping to lower the cost of financing for high-growth companies. The mandate for this study was set out in the recent Communication “Building the future with nature: Boosting Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing in the EU” that highlighted the challenges companies face in their access to finance. By identifying the underlying issues and barriers, the study will aid future policy work in the area. The call will be divided into two separate lots. One will focus on scaling up investment funds, such as venture capital and private equity funds. The other will focus on barriers to consolidation of trade and post-trade market infrastructure. Anyone interested is invited to submit their proposal(s) for either a single lot or both, depending on their expertise and interest.