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Banking union

Banking Union

Commission proposes reform of the EU’s banking crisis management and deposit insurance rules.

John Berrigan

DG FISMA's Director-General talks about the energy crisis, sanctions, and the digital agenda.

Women in finance

Irene Tinagli, Chair of the European Parliament’s ECON committee, talks about some of the issues that are high on the committee’s agenda.

French EU presidency

What are the main priorities of the French Presidency of the European Union in the area of financial services?

Banking union

The EU is working to make its bank crisis management and deposit insurance framework stronger and more resilient.

Non-performing loans

Commission proposals include measures to encourage the development of secondary markets for NPLs.

Tackling non-performing loans in Europe

The European Commission is today putting forward an ambitious and comprehensive package of measures to deal with the problem of non-performing loans (NPLs) in Europe. The proposals build on progress made already that has led to a decline in NPLs across banks and EU countries in recent years. Today's measures aim to address both the remaining stocks of NPLs and the potential build-up of new NPLs in the future.


Benefits for consumers

Investment firms

Proposals put forward by European Commission aim to simplify prudential rules for investment firms.

Economic and Monetary Union

The European Commission is calling for the creation of a European Monetary Fund that would provide a backstop for the banking union.