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September GPP News Alert

September GPP News Alert

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Green public procurement

date:  19/07/2017

Dear colleague,

We’re pleased to send you the September edition of the EU GPP News Alert.

Read the latest guidance on green public procurement (GPP) developed by the European Commission: EU GPP Criteria for furniture, covering new furniture products as well as refurbishment and end-of-life services are now available online.

The Head of the GPP office of Switzerland's Environment Agency (FOEN), Marie-Amélie Dupraz-Ardiot, gives us an insight into the legislative updates regarding green purchasing currently under preparation at the national level. Some of the results of a recent study into the potential of GPP in Switzerland are also provided. 

This month’s GPP in Practice details the approach taken on greening procurement by Nantes Métropole, who governs the metropolitan area of Nantes, in France.

In other news, read the results of a study carried out to investigate the role of GPP in fostering a circular economy, how green procurement is addressing health issues through food, tools and approaches available on life-cycle costing, and some new reports for informing transport related procurement decisions..

Happy reading!

GPP News Alert September

Kind regards,

EU GPP Helpdesk
Tel: +49 761 368 920