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Swiss Re Insurance pioneers index on risk from ecosystem collapse

Swiss Re Group, a provider of reinsurance, insurance and other forms of insurance-based risk transfer, has developed a Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services (BES) index to enable businesses and governments to account for biodiversity and ecosystem issues into their decision-making.

Estimating the global biodiversity financing gap

The Paulson Institute, The Nature Conservancy, and the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability at Cornell University have set out to estimate the global biodiversity financing gap – the difference between how much is spent and how much financing is needed in the next ten year to protect the most important biodiversity and the services it provides.

Biodiversity as a Human Right

A new study by the European Parliament analyses biodiversity as a human right and examines its implications for the EU’s external action.

Business measuring their impact on Nature

In light of the growing interest in natural capital accounting (NCA) and a clear demand for methodologies for including biodiversity into NCA, a wide range of initiatives have been launched to develop pragmatic biodiversity metrics for businesses and financial institutions. The focus of this report is on identifying common ground amongst biodiversity measurement approaches with the final objective to support businesses and FI in selecting an approach that best fits their specific business context.

European Investment Bank reflects on the experience from their climate and biodiversity instruments

In a recent essay Climate Solutions: Working with nature, the European Investment Bank (EIB) reflects on the experience from their climate and biodiversity instruments, including the NSFF. The essay discusses the opportunities biodiversity provides to buy time for the innovation and economic transformation needed to tackle climate change. It highlights climate solutions on biodiversity for policy-makers, financial institutions, and citizens. The essay is part of the EIB series Climate Solutions.

New Nature-based Solutions Handbook from ThinkNature

The ThinkNature platform has released a new Nature-based Solutions Handbook. The handbook’s objective is to gather and promote state-of-the-art knowledge regarding nature-based solutions (NbS) and to provide a comprehensive guide to all relevant actors.

Case-studies on Biodiversity Net Gain Strategy in Sweden

Master students at the Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics in Sweden have published a study investigating what drives companies to voluntarily chose to biodiversity net gain (BNG) strategies in the absence of legislation that requires them to do so. The study analyses business documentation and interviews with business leaders from the seven companies in Sweden most proactive in the BNG field, and it identifies the business case for biodiversity.

Biodiversity thrives on Indigenous-managed lands

A new study in Environmental Science & Policy by researchers at the Faculty of Forestry at University of British Columbia finds that biodiversity thrives on lands managed or co-managed by Indigenous communities.

Eco-business fund publishes first Impact Report

The Fund, a joint initiative of investors’ intent on supporting the promotion of business and consumption practices that conserve nature and foster biodiversity, presents its first Impact Report, “Investing in Impact on the Ground”.