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Lorem Ipsum

Nam congue tincidunt massa nec hendrerit. Curabitur sed interdum massa. Donec consequat mi eget felis luctus lobortis. Pellentesque sit amet efficitur sem. Etiam vestibulum, orci sit amet scelerisque tincidunt, felis lorem sodales ipsum, in interdum odio ipsum pulvinar nunc. Integer ac cursus libero, quis venenatis urna.

Have your say on the future EU microplastics initiative

Ahead of future legislation, the European Commission has launched a public consultation to explore the problem of unintentionally released microplastics from tyres, textiles, and plastic pellets on the environment. The ETV community is encouraged to contribute.

ETV verifies new tech that uses renewable power to turn CO2 into gas fuel

Electrochaea’s Biocat was recently ETV verified. The technology converts carbon dioxide into gas to be used for heating or in the natural gas power grid. Electrochea had two goals going into ETV: to gain credibility with local public utilities and to scale-up their technology and ETV was the perfect fit for them.

A New ETV Verified Solution to Recycle Waste for Reuse Within Steel-making Plants

Recently verified technology ReStOre is a circular economy solution for recycling waste within steel-making plants. Developed by the Italian company, Deref S.p.a. (DEmolizione REFrattari), the ReStOre system converts low-value refractory waste into high-value re-usable products, turning waste into a resource, with economic and environmental benefits.

New call for funding for green innovators to get ETV verified

Are you a start-up looking for a smarter, faster way to introduce your green innovation to the wider world? Are you a part of the EIT Circular Economy Community? A new pool of funding is now available to help you verify the environmental performance of your project through ETV.

Video Release: Alpha Aqua says ETV was an 'easy pick'

ETV has released the first in a series of testimonial videos in which Danish fish-farming specialists, Alpha Aqua, reveal their reasons for choosing the scheme to validate the ‘green performance’ of their novel water treatment unit.

Latest news from the EU ETV

As the spring has fully sprung in Brussels, we are delighted to share with you some upcoming news from the renewed Environmental Technology Verification programme. Our latest picks include the upcoming 5th ETV Stakeholder Forum, the ongoing EIT call for funding, new recently verified technologies and other project updates.

Sustainable Consumption Pledge?

To steer more voluntary corporate actions, the Commission plans to work with companies to encourage them to voluntarily commit to disclosing the company's environmental footprint to consumers, improving their sustainability and reducing their impact on the environment. The Commission places EMAS at the heart of the Sustainable Consumption Pledge.

Transition Pathway for Tourism?

The tourism sector is the first industrial ecosystem in the EU to have worked on a transition pathway for a green and digital transition. The transition strategy has now been launched by the European Commission. EMAS is mentioned as a facilitator of green transition in the tourism sector.