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Key environmental decisions in July

The Commission took legal steps against Member States to ensure compliance with EU rules on air quality, water, chemical, nature protection and other issues.

Three more Nature Positive webinars in September 2022

As part of the Nature Positive webinar series organised by the EU B@B Platform and after a successful first webinar in May, there will be three more webinars in September focusing on case studies from different industries, covering various organisational focus areas, sectors, and realms. Discover the speakers and register for the webinars!

EBNS 2022 Programme

Have a sneak peak into the programme of the European Business & Nature Summit on 18/19 October 2022 in Brussels and discover the first set of speakers. Learn how to get involved in the more than 15 thematic practical sessions to help business on their journey to ASSESS, COMMIT, TRANSFORM and DISCLOSE their relationship with nature! Registrations will open in August.

How to save a species: #LIFEis30 podcast

In this episode, speakers show how species on the edge of extinction can recover thanks to the passion and commitment of those working on the ground, with closing words by Florika Fink-Hooijer, Director-General of DG Environment.


Upcoming events to mark in your agenda

Two new IPBES Assessment Reports in July

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) will be launching two Assessment Reports on Strengthening Decisions by Including Nature’s Diverse Values and How Can People Sustainably Benefit from Wild Species? in July.

Nine new signatories of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

The Finance for Biodiversity Pledge has 98 signatories now, representing €14 trillion in assets and 19 countries, after nine new signatories made a Pledge. The next round of celebrating new signatories will be in Autumn 2022 and financial institutions can already register as a Pledge signatory.