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Application benefits

There are numerous benefits of applying for the Award which include notably a Europe-wide promotion of your efforts and successes. Do you want decision makers to see what you have achieved? Would you like the wider public to hear what you have been up to? This is the way to do it!

Eligible applicants

The Commission is happy to receive applications from anyone involved in the management of actions linked to the Natura 2000 network. This includes public authorities and NGOs, as well as businesses, educational establishments, hunters’ associations, landowners, etc.


The Commission is happy to receive applications from anyone involved in the management of actions linked to the Natura 2000 network. This includes public authorities and NGOs, as well as businesses, educational establishments, hunters’ associations, landowners …

Eligible Applicants

The Commission is happy to receive applications from anyone involved in the management of actions linked to the Natura 2000 network. This includes public authorities and NGOs, as well as businesses, educational establishments, hunters’ associations, landowners …

Eligible applicants

The Commission is happy to receive applications from anyone involved in the management of actions linked to the Natura 2000 network. This includes public authorities and NGOs, as well as businesses, educational establishments, hunters’ associations, landowners …

Natura 2000 Award webinar

The European Commission will organise a webinar at 10:00 CET on 15 June 2023 specifically aimed at anyone who wants to know more about the Award and the call for applications. The webinar will last 2 hours, and will include an overview of the Award and a Q&A session.  Register here to participate.

Have any questions?

The European Commission will organise a webinar at 10:00 CET on 15 June 2023 specifically aimed at anyone who wants to know more about the Award and the call for applications.

Application benefits

There are numerous benefits of applying for the Award which include notably a Europe-wide promotion of your efforts and achievements. Do you want decision makers to see what you have achieved? Would you like the wider public to hear what you have been up to? This is the way to do it!

Eligible applicants

The Commission is happy to receive applications from anyone involved in the management of actions linked to the Natura 2000 network. This includes public authorities and NGOs, as well as businesses, educational establishments, hunters’ associations, landowners …

Who can apply?

The Commission is happy to receive applications from anyone involved in the management of actions linked to the Natura 2000 network. This includes public authorities and NGOs, as well as businesses, educational establishments, hunters’ associations, landowners …

Save the Date | European Business & Nature Summit 2023 on 11-12 October

We are thrilled to announce the European Business & Nature Summit 2023: Time to transform business for a nature positive society. The EBNS is the largest conference dedicated to sustainable business models with biodiversity at their core! Join us on October 11-12 in Milan and learn about practical actions your business can take to contribute to nature positive. Help to shape a sustainable future for all. Stay tuned for updates.

Call for applications open!

The new call is open and applications for all categories will be accepted until 23:59 CET, 29 September 2023. It’s time to get the recognition you deserve!

Stepping Up on Biodiversity: What does the GBF mean for responsible investors?

Calling all responsible investors! Want to help halt and reverse biodiversity loss? Check out the new report by UNEP FI, the PRI, and the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation offering practical guidance on aligning your investments with GBF goals, integrating biodiversity into decision-making, assessing risks and opportunities, and engaging with policymakers and financial institutions.

Unveiling Biodiversity-Impact Sectors: Groundbreaking Insights from Multi-Tool Footprinting Pilot Study

Discover the top biodiversity-impact sectors unveiled by groundbreaking footprinting tools. A pilot multi-tool study reveals that 250 companies in the MSCI World Index may be responsible for 73% of its biodiversity impact. This study sheds light on biodiversity risks and opportunities across various sectors beyond climate risk sectors. Learn more about how investors can drive transformative change and hold corporations accountable for nature-related actions.

Zero Pollution urban and regional scoreboard workshop

The Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform held a workshop on an Urban and Regional Scoreboard on 25 April, focusing on environmental themes, impacts, indicators, aggregation, and visualisation of scoreboards for Zero Pollution objectives.

LIFE funding opportunities, with support for Zero Pollution

On 18 April, the European Commission launched the LIFE Programme’s 2023 Calls for project proposals, announcing €611 million for pollution reduction, ecodesign, circular economy, environmental protection, climate action, and clean energy transition.