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Annual Network Meeting 2022

The EQAVET Network met on 9 and 10 June in Paris, France, for the 2022 edition of the Annual Network Meeting to discuss the implementation of the EQAVET framework and EU policy updates, including on micro-credential and skills for a green transition, as well as updates from the on-going work from EQAVET National Reference points. Click ‘Main URL’ to read more about the Annual Network Meeting.

ESF+ funding to support work-life balance for parents and carers

The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) is the main funding instrument to support the Member States for implementing the new EU-wide rules to improve work-life balance for parents and carers, which apply as of 2 August 2022 with the entry into force of the EU Work-Life Balance Directive.

ESF+ project in Poland building a new life for young offenders

The Postis Association, supported by the European Social Fund (ESF), helps those that have left penal institutions and remand centres to re-build their life outside these facilities. It focuses on finding work for young former prisoners to help young people find their feet and prepare them for their future.

New publications guide use of ESF+ for social innovation

Social innovation projects aim to provide innovative solutions to today’s societal challenges. The European Social Fund+ (ESF+) provides the right instruments to develop these solutions in the areas of employment, education, skills, and social inclusion. To help Member States and stakeholders support and develop social innovation under the ESF+, the Commission has just published two complementary guides.

A practical guide for project promoters on social experimentation provides a solid understanding of social experimentation and practical advice for project development. Shaped by lessons

Cohesion Funds 2021-2027: Lithuania’s achievements

Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reform, took part at the launch event of Cohesion Policy funds' in Lithuania. The launch event was the occasion to celebrate the work of EU-funded projects in the surrounding municipalities of Vilnius and in Kaunas, which were visited by the Commissioner.

Eliska's test

Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reform, took part at the launch event of Cohesion Policy funds' in Lithuania. The launch event was the occasion to celebrate the work of EU-funded projects in the surrounding municipalities of Vilnius and in Kaunas, which were visited by the Commissioner.

ESCO forum will not be available as of 16th June

The ESCO forum will not be accessible as of 16th of June due to IT security reasons. Please accept our apologies and if needed, you can always contact the ESCO team via

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Persons with disabilities continue to face barriers and multiple forms of discrimination. The strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities can improve their lives. Commissioner Helena Dalli got together with one of our campaign Champions, Sarah Talbi, to talk about what the EU is doing to achieve a genuine Union of Equality for all and what it means to Sarah.

ESCO will soon be available in Ukrainian!

Thanks to the collaboration with the European Training Foundation, ESCO will soon be available in Ukrainian, for free! Keep an eye on our portal as of 16th of June to get the Ukrainian translation.