Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 21/06/2022

Czech Republic hosted the second pilot EQAVET Peer Review

Members of the EQAVET Network took part in the second EQAVET Peer Review organised by the Czech Republic on ‘linking initial and continuing vocational education and training and its quality assurance mechanisms.’

General view of a meeting

The second EQAVET Peer Review was virtually hosted by the National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic with the contribution of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, on 13 and 14 June 2022.

During the Peer Review, EQAVET Network members from Austria, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Slovakia acted as peers.

The purpose of the Peer Review was to gather the feedback from the peers on whether and to what extent new approaches proposed in the Strategy for the Education Policy of the Czech Republic up to 2030 could strengthen the permeability and flexibility of learners’ learning pathways. The Strategy is a national document that describes the priorities to be addressed in the next decade.

During the Peer Review, peers had the opportunity to re-evaluate the existing instruments that have been developed, such as modularisation in initial and continuing vocational education and training and they looked at the way in which the qualification and assessment standards of vocational qualifications in the National Register of Qualifications (NSK) are developed and revised.

No related events in the last six months.

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