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EU support to Ukrainian refugees

The EU is taking further steps to help Member States ensure Ukrainian refugees can effectively access their right to education, healthcare, accommodation and jobs, according to the Temporary Protection Directive. Among them, the ESCO taxonomy will be translated into Ukrainian to allow relevant stakeholders (HR software providers, Public employment services, career counsellors, etc) to support the integration of refugees into the labour market and their access to education. Read more about the different actions below.

Australia's national research agency uses ESCO to upskill and reskill workers

Within CSIRO’s Data61, the digital research arm of Australia’s national science agency, researchers are using ESCO to support the rapid upskilling and reskilling that is needed for Australian businesses and workers to engage with the economic opportunities created by emerging technologies. The ESCO skills taxonomy is a central point in several projects they run, contributing to their machine learning activity that identifies skills trends from job vacancies and evaluating the currency of vocational education and training courses. Find out more about their work below.

Calling on all ESCO implementers: fill in ESCO fiche to showcase your work!

Are you an ESCO implementer and want to showcase your services or projects based on ESCO? Please fill in the attached ESCO implementers' fiche with information about your organisation, how you use ESCO and how it contributes to the goals of your organisation! We will publish it in the ESCO portal to inspire ESCO newcomers and to facilitate networking among the ESCO community of stakeholders. P.S: make sure to acknowledge ESCO in your application, study or project!

Launch of a revamped ESCO portal

The ESCO portal gets a new look & feel, with improved functionalities to download the classification and increased visibility for ESCO implementers! See what has changed and let us know your feedback! As with all things new, there are still a few disruptions to the functionalities available, but please rest assured we are fixing them. We apologize in advance and we thank you for your patience!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla interdum vestibulum metus. Praesent vel justo et ipsum egestas sagittis. Cras mattis dignissim urna, at cursus turpis posuere vitae. Morbi lacus turpis, semper quis sagittis non, sollicitudin vel diam. Ut bibendum non ligula in imperdiet. Etiam vestibulum non neque non hendrerit. Nam non ligula vulputate, tempus nisl lobortis, varius felis. Sed et consequat leo. Sed vehicula justo non nisi commodo, sed maximus felis consectetur.

European skills index 2022 edition published

CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) has published the 2022 European skills index. The index highlights areas that should be focused on by each country, building on the three pillars of skills development, skills activation and skills matching. To find out more and read the full results, visit the European Skills index website via the ‘Main URL’ below.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla interdum vestibulum metus. Praesent vel justo et ipsum egestas sagittis. Cras mattis dignissim urna, at cursus turpis posuere vitae. Morbi lacus turpis, semper quis sagittis non, sollicitudin vel diam. Ut bibendum non ligula in imperdiet. Etiam vestibulum non neque non hendrerit. Nam non ligula vulputate, tempus nisl lobortis, varius felis. Sed et consequat leo. Sed vehicula justo non nisi commodo, sed maximus felis consectetur.

Survey on the integration of Ukrainian refugees in VET

The Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission (DG EMPL) launched an online survey on 24 March 2022 addressed to policy makers, social partners and vocational education and training (VET) provider. The survey is open until the end of April 2022 and aims to collect information to be shared among authorities and organisations engaged in welcoming and supporting refugees from the Ukraine through VET, including useful tools, hints and good practices. The preliminary findings from the survey were presented at a webinar that took place on 31 March 2022. Click on ‘Main URL’ to find out more about the preliminary results of the survey.

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Quality assurance and flexibility in learning pathways

Flexibility has become much more important within VET in recent years as there has been a shift to make VET more personalised, learner centred and at the same time more in line with the needs of the labour market. The EQAVET Network came together to see how three countries are adapting their quality assurance approaches to enhanced flexibility in VET. The webinar explored the challenges and solutions for quality assurance in VET within the context of flexible learning pathways. Click ‘Main URL’ below to watch the recording of the webinar.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla interdum vestibulum metus. Praesent vel justo et ipsum egestas sagittis. Cras mattis dignissim urna, at cursus turpis posuere vitae. Morbi lacus turpis, semper quis sagittis non, sollicitudin vel diam. Ut bibendum non ligula in imperdiet. Etiam vestibulum non neque non hendrerit. Nam non ligula vulputate, tempus nisl lobortis, varius felis. Sed et consequat leo. Sed vehicula justo non nisi commodo, sed maximus felis consectetur.

First pilot EQAVET Peer Review

Members of the EQAVET Network took part in the first pilot EQAVET Peer Review, virtually hosted by the Ministry for Education and Vocational Training in Spain on 30 – 31 March. Colleagues were joined by peers from Austria, Belgium-Flanders, Greece, Italy and Portugal. The Peer Review discussed the plans for a national quality model for VET in Spain and looked at the Quality EQAVET Model for Spain (QEMS), including the quality model, quality evaluation system and indicators for monitoring and self-assessment. Click ‘Main URL’ to read more about the Peer Review.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla interdum vestibulum metus. Praesent vel justo et ipsum egestas sagittis. Cras mattis dignissim urna, at cursus turpis posuere vitae. Morbi lacus turpis, semper quis sagittis non, sollicitudin vel diam. Ut bibendum non ligula in imperdiet.

ESCO v1.1 is live!

The Commission has published a new major version of ESCO which includes: new occupations and skills, a new transversal skills hierarchy, labels for green, digital, and research skills and quality improvements. Visit the ESCO portal to consult or download the new version and let us know what you think!

The Greek public employment service adopts ESCO

The Greek public employment service has recently adopted ESCO in their job-matching system. Find out more about their decision, how this impacts the services provided to job-seekers and the advantages of using ESCO nationally.