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Qualiopi – the new mandatory certification for VET providers in France

The new French national quality framework for VET providers and new certification, “Qualiopi”, came into force on 1 January 2022. From now on, all VET providers based on public funds have to be certified in accordance with a unique national reference framework and the Qualiopi mark. Certification is issued by accredited independent certifying bodies recognised by France compétences. Any VET provider who has already begun its certification process can be covered by public funds until the Qualiopi certification is obtained, at the latest by 30 June 2022. For further information about the new national quality framework from the French Labor Ministry website, click the ‘Main URL’ below (the website working language is French).

Furthering quality assurance mechanisms for adult education in Croatia

Since 2020 Croatia has been developing a quality assurance system for adult education. So far, a comprehensive model has been proposed, including manuals for self-assessment and external evaluation of adult education providers. Twenty-five providers have been included in piloting self-assessment and external evaluation in 2021. Establishing an external evaluation committee and further support to providers is underway in 2022. For the first time, Croatia also participates in the PIAAC survey, piloted in 2021, which will be undertaken in 2022. For further information about the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education in Croatia, click on ‘Main URL’ provided below (the website working language is Croatian).

EQAVET-based quality management system for formal VET institutions in Hungary

A comprehensive reform of the Hungarian VET system has been implemented and a national quality management system (QMS) for formal VET institutions is being developed. The QMS is based on self-evaluation and the EQAVET framework. It will consist of a quality policy, self-evaluation (supplemented by a self-evaluation guidebook published by the government), external evaluation criteria and evaluation of VET teacher-trainers. Formal VET institutions are required to elaborate their QMS by 31 August 2022, with support available from the NRP and sectoral governance bodies.

The next decade of European education

The 4th European Education Summit was held on 9th European Education Summit. December 2021 The event focused on the future of education and training in the EU, including how smart investments can lead to quality education and training. To find out more and watch the event recordings, visit the website of the European Commission via the “website” below.

EQAVET branding and visual guidelines refreshed

The branding and visual guidelines for EQAVET have been refreshed. They are designed to help you when using the EQAVET logo and branding. Click the ‘Main URL’ below to download the guidelines via the EQAVET virtual library.

Quality assurance and flexibility in learning pathways

Flexibility has become much more important within VET in recent years as there has been a shift to make VET more personalised, learner centred and at the same time more in line with the needs of the labour market. The EQAVET Network came together to see how three countries are adapting their quality assurance approaches to enhanced flexibility in VET. The webinar explored the challenges and solutions for quality assurance in VET within the context of flexible learning pathways. Click ‘Main URL’ below to watch the recording of the webinar.


Dear social partners and readers,

Social dialogue has been significant in the political agenda for the last six months.

Next year, the Commission will present a Communication and a proposal for a Council Recommendation to support social dialogue at European and national level.

Beyond the sectoral social dialogue review the Communication will take stock of developments of EU social dialogue since the 2015 New Start for Social Dialogue, strengthen the framework of EU social dialogue (including a review of sectoral social dialogue at EU level and a new supporting frame for social partner agreements at EU level), look at ways for promoting national social dialogue and also examine other new challenges and opportunities for social dialogue in a changing world of work, notably in relation to the twin transitions.

The Recommendation will look at ways for better promoting national social dialogue. This social dialogue initiative is planned for next year (Q3 2022).

Jörg Tagger
Head of Unit
European social dialogue

United for rights TEST

Natus voluptatem repudiandae velit accusantium perferendis illo. Aut iusto consequuntur ut. Consequatur asperiores aut fugit dolorum. Laborum molestiae placeat quas et.

Quam excepturi ut quis non maxime. Ea aut sint et.

New EQAVET website online

The EQAVET website has been integrated into the EUROPA website. The new web pages provide information on the implementation of EQAVET in the Member States, case studies, publications and more. Visit the website by clicking on “website” below.

About the social dialogue newsletter

This newsletter aims to highlight the activities related to social dialogue at European level, especially the contributions of social partners to the improvement of the European social dialogue.

The social dialogue newsletter provides all social partners organisations a way to actively promote their outcomes.

Civil aviation: Action plan to safely resume travel during COVID-19

The Airline Coordination Platform (ACP), the Airlines for Dialogue (A4D), the Airlines International Representation in Europe (AIRE), the Airport Services Association (ASA), the Airports Council International Europe (ACI), the Airline Catering Association (ACA), the European Regions Airline Association (ERA) and the European Cockpit Association (ECA), the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) launched a Joint Action plan in the context of the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis (10/05/2021).