Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 16/06/2022

Commission welcomes Member States’ agreement on key initiatives driving a fair green and digital transition

EU employment and social affairs ministers adopted four Council Recommendations to drive a fair and inclusive green and digital transition at yesterday’s Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO).

Agriculture technology farmer man using smartphone analysis data and visual icon.

The Commission welcomes Member States’ commitment to take concrete actions to boost the green and digital skills and lifelong learning of workers, promote quality jobs, and support fair tax-benefit systems and affordable essential services.

With the first adopted Recommendation on ensuring a fair transition towards climate neutrality, Member States commit to address the employment and social impact of the green and digital transition.

The success of the transition also depends on enabling workers to gain the skills needed for the green and digital economy throughout life, whether or not they are currently employed. Therefore, two other Recommendations on individual learning accounts and micro-credentials will help people take up learning offers and find employment opportunities.

The fourth adopted Recommendation on learning for the green transition and sustainable development highlights the key role of education and training in equipping learners – from early years through to higher education and adult learning – with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed for the green transition.

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