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Open consultation on a European Statistical System – making it fit for the future

The consultation aims to align the legal framework on EU statistics with the European data strategy and modernise how statistics are produced. More specifically, it will tap the potential of new data sources, make the statistical system more responsive, specify new roles in emerging data ecosystems, and update the tasks of statistical authorities. The consultation is open until 25th of October 2022.

The Commission publishes an official ESCO-O*NET crosswalk!

The Commission has published a crosswalk between ESCO and O*NET, the Occupational Information Network, developed by the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (US DOL). The purpose of this crosswalk is to support interoperability between the two labor market standards used by numerous public and private stakeholders that provide services like job matching, upskilling and reskilling and statistical analysis of the labour market. Modern technologies like machine learning and natural language processing greatly reduce the amount of effort needed to map one classification to another and the ESCO team reveals its methodology to do this analysis and shares the results free of charge, as always!

ESCO API to be updated with v1.1 as of January 2023

The ESCO API will change from the current version (v1.0.9) to the most updated major version (v1.1.0) starting from 1st of January 2023. The ESCO team advises all stakeholders that use the API to make the necessary changes in their IT systems by that time. ESCO v1.09 and v1.1.1 (the latest minor version) are also available in the API by configuring correctly the parameters for the call: i.e. selectedVersion.

A new minor version of ESCO (ESCO v1.1.1) is live!

ESCO v1.1.1 is the result of a data-driven quality review of the database and of the feedback provided by Member States, and is focused on two main goals: the maintenance of the ESCO skills hierarchy and the quality review of translations of occupations and skills concepts.

EURES Countries Mapping Tables are now available in the ESCO portal!

According to Article 19 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/589 and for the purpose of automated matching through the EURES platform, European Commission called its Member States to map their national, regional and sectoral occupational classifications (NOCs) and skills classifications (NSCs) to and from the European classification of Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO). Currently, 21 countries have mapped their national taxonomy to ESCO and 4 have directly adopted ESCO in their system (Greece, Iceland, Finland, Ireland).

Together for Rights campaign

Persons with disabilities continue to face discrimination. The strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities can improve their lives.

Employment and Social Rights Forum

The European Employment and Social Rights Forum is the new annual flagship event of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

Join the European Employment & Social Rights Forum

Register now for the first European Employment & Social Rights Forum on 16 and 17 November 2022, where European Commission representatives, Ministers and academics, together with policymakers and stakeholders will discuss the current societal challenges and opportunities of the green transition.