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Skellefteå wins 2023 Access City Award

The Swedish city of Skellefteå received the 2023 Access City Award in recognition of its long-term commitment and innovative approach to enhancing accessibility for persons with disabilities.

EU-level events

13 – 14/12 2022 EQAVET Peer Review, hosted by Bulgaria 16 – 18/01 2023 EQAVET Peer Review, hosted by Slovenia 24 – 25/01 2023 EQAVET Peer Review, hosted by Lithuania 15 – 17/03 2023 EQAVET Peer Review, hosted by Austria 23 – 24/03 2023 EQAVET Peer Review, hosted by Belgium-Fr 28 – 29/03 2023 EQAVET Peer Review, hosted by Hungary 30 – 31/03 2023 EQAVET Peer Review, hosted by Belgium-Fl 15 – 16/06 2023 EQAVET Annual Network Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden

Quality Assurance in VET: Recent national initiatives

Autumn has been especially fruitful for the EQAVET National Reference Points (NRPs), with many interesting events taking place all Europe. The activities have included the first Irish review of its Education and Training Boards, as well as the announcement of the French annual conference on quality assurance, together with Slovakia’s focus on the involvement of national stakeholders in quality assurance peer learning. In addition, Romania is collaborating with the digital AGRIEdu platform in order to improve its agricultural education offer, and the Czech HR community has focused its events towards fostering cooperation among VET schools and companies. Regarding meetings, Turkey has finalised the Sustainability in Quality Practices and EQAVET meeting and is currently organising self-assessment training sessions. Finally, Malta has published the winning artwork of their second Digital Art Competition amongst secondary schools and the Netherlands has published a digital game which aims at improving quality in educational teams.

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships launches ‘EAfA Podcast’ – a series for those interested in apprenticeships and VET

Strengthening the supply, quality, image and mobility of apprenticeships is one of EAfA’s aim

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) has released a podcast series, which focuses on creating quality and effective apprenticeships. Through four 30-minute episodes, listeners can find out more about EAfA and hear from Nicolas Schmit (European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights), who explains the implications of the European Year of Youth and the benefits of apprenticeships. The episodes also explore the possibilities to improve the image of apprenticeships and consider the relevant role of social partners. Click ‘European Alliance for Apprenticeships’ to know more about the EAfA Podcast series.



Cedefop report looks at the role of micro-credentials in supporting learning for employment

Microcredentials for labour market education and training

Cedefop has published a report which analyses the role of micro-credentials in the European labour market and how they are supporting learning for employment. The report presents how micro-credentials have gained relevance in European-level policy debates. Although there is uncertainty linked to the naming and function of micro-credentials, there are notable advantages towards their versatility and responsiveness to the requirements of the labour market. The research builds on surveys with different stakeholders, country case studies, interviews, and Cedefop’s ReferNet network. The second report on ‘Micro-credentials and evolving qualifications systems’ is expected to be published by the end of 2022. Click ‘Micro-credentials for Labour Market Education and Training (Cedefop)’ to read more about Cedefop’s report.



The European Commission sets in motion preparations for the European Year of Skills

2023 European Year of Skills

The European Commission has announced 2023 as the European Year of Skills. The year will build on EU initiatives to support skills, including the European Skills Agenda, the Pact for Skills, Structured Dialogue with Member States, and the EU Talent Pool and the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform. With this programme, the Commission wants to bolster lifelong learning by investing in training, reinforcing the relevance of skills, harmonising job-market vacancies with people’s skills, and inviting third countries’ skilled people to the EU. The European Parliament and the Council will discuss the programme proposed by the Commission. Click ‘Commission kick-starts work on the European Year of Skills’ to know more about the European Year of Skills.



System-level Peer Review manual now available for EQAVET

A new manual is available to help EQAVET National Reference Points to design and implement Peer Reviews in their respective contexts. The manual outlines the main principles of EQAVET Peer Reviews on VET system level and provides concrete guidance for National Reference Points to become more familiar with the phases of a Peer Review and practical tools to help them to prepare their Peer Reviews. Click ‘Main URL’ to find out more about the manual.

Peer Learning Activity brings together 60 EQAVET Network representatives to discuss quality assurance of micro-credentials

An online Peer Learning Activity brought together over 60 EQAVET Network representatives and neighbouring countries to discuss quality assurance of micro-credentials, on 8 – 9 November. The event was virtually hosted by Ireland. Participants learned more about the recent Council Recommendation on micro-credentials, a Cedefop project on micro-credentials for VET and the labour market, and how Ireland are using micro-credentials. Examples were also shared from Estonia, Spain and Sweden. Click ‘read more’ to find out more about the Peer Learning Activity.


Fourth EQAVET Peer Review in Luxembourg looks at the potential of IT

On October 12 to 14, the Ministry of Education, Children, and Youth of Luxembourg hosted the fourth EQAVET Peer Review, which gathered members from Belgium, Croatia, Finland, and the Netherlands. The focus of the event was developing and designing an IT-based system, which could bring together existing administrative data on initial VET learners. Click ‘find out more’ to learn more about the Peer Review.


Third Peer Review in Latvia assesses quality and effectiveness of VET

On September 21 to 22, the third EQAVET Peer Review was hosted by the Latvian State Education Quality Service in Riga, Latvia. The event brought together EQAVET Network members from Belgium (Wallonia), Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Luxembourg. During the Peer Review, feedback was gathered concerning the quality system and the ability to externally evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed system using the current performance indicators and criteria. Click ‘read more’ to find out more.


Commission publishes proposal for Joint Employment Report 2023

The proposal for the Joint Employment Report (JER) - which is part of the 2023 European Semester cycle of economic policy coordination - confirms that the EU labour market has fully recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic, showing a strong performance and surpassing pre-pandemic employment levels since the third quarter of 2021.