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Minimum income help the most vulnerable

The Milanov family, migrated from Bulgaria to Germany 10 years ago. An EU-funded project providing minimum income help to make a fresh start. Watch the latest Euronews episode.

Gegen die „soziale Kälte“ auf den Straßen Berlins

In Berlin leben zunehmend mehr obdachlose Menschen und vielen von ihnen fällt es schwer, Unterstützung in Anspruch zu nehmen. Ein vom Europäischen Hilfsfonds für die am stärksten benachteiligten Personen und dem Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales kofinanziertes Projekt hilft, indem es über die gesetzlichen Rechte aufklärt und Betreuungseinrichtungen, Notunterkünfte und medizinische Hilfe anbietet.

ESCO introduces labelling of Digital Skills and Knowledge Concepts

In line with the Commission’s effort in tackling digital skills gap, ESCO introduced the digital label, which distinguishes the digital skills and knowledge competences that are part of the ESCO classification. The process combined machine learning algorithms with human labelling and validation.

Have your say in the Europass evaluation!

The Commission kindly invites relevant stakeholders to contribute to the public consultation on Europass, whose goal is to assess its uptake and wider impact of Europass in the labour market and skills and lifelong learning policies. You can share your views until 28th February 2023.

ESF+ Call for proposals to support vulnerable young people

The call for proposals to help EU countries integrate the ALMA (Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve) initiative, which helps young people finding their way to the job market, in their ESF+ programmes is out! The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2023.