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New findings: traineeships facilitate youth employment

A Eurobarometer survey shows the positive impact of traineeships in helping young people secure employment. A comprehensive data analysis and factsheets for each Member State offer insights for improving employment opportunities for young people.

Training employees for today’s digital landscape

The Belgian SME CyberSecurity Ambition project, funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), provides training to employees of small and medium-sized enterprises on protecting their companies from cyber threats and securing business environments.

ESF-Projekt macht Deutschen Hoffnung auf nachhaltige Beschäftigung

Das vom Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF) geförderte Projekt „Nachhaltige Fertigung“ unterstützt die Ausbildung und Beschäftigung von Langzeitarbeitslosen in Deutschland. Gleichzeitig setzt es sich für die Umwelt, die Erhaltung begrenzter Ressourcen und für die Förderung von Wiederverwendung und Recycling ein.

Pact for Skills: launch of large-scale skills partnership for long-term care

Long-term care service providers, social partners and education and training providers, with the support of the European Commission, have set up a large-scale skills partnership on long-term care. It aims to improve both career paths of care providers, as well as the quality of care services thereby making the long-term care sector more attractive.

ESCO Implementer, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, organises: Dynamic Ontology Matching Challenge

Skills-based approaches need a common and up-to-date skills language to achieve their full potential. Skills ontologies, like ESCO and O*NET, allow for applicability in different contexts, but require mappings between them to relate, reuse and transfer knowledge. This challenge invites participants to implement novel ideas on how to keep mappings between ontologies up-to-date in a dynamic context. The challenge will use a hybrid method with human annotation, using different versions of the ESCO and mapping to O*NET.

ESCO Testimonial: use case of Emilia-Romagna region & ANPAL Servizi

ESCO Testimonials are interviews with ESCO implementers conducted by the Commission to gain a better understanding of ESCO's strengths and challenges. In this case, learn more about how ESCO is used for regional development and how it fosters synergies and interoperability among various stakeholders.

Have your say: public consultation on EU Agencies EUROFOUND, CEDEFOP, ETF and EU OSHA

The European Commission has launched public consultation to evaluate the performance and impact of four agencies working under the remit of the DG EMPL. The public consultation will assess how agencies have performed in relation to their objectives and mandates and identify areas for improvement. The public consultation is available in all official languages and is open until 25 May 2023.

Be part of the European Year of Skills Festival on Europe Day!

Do not miss out the chance to join the 2023 European Year of Skills Festival! Organised by the Pact for Skills, the Festival aims to inspire stakeholders and the public to invest in skills. The main event will take place in Cité des Métiers in Brussels, but the hybrid format will allow participants from across Europe to join. Deadline to post your content is 20 April 2023.