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This quarter at a glance

The European Resource Centre (AccessibleEU) was officially launched on 4 July in Brussels, in an event chaired by European Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, and the President of ONCE Social Group, Miguel Carballeda. The Centre will act as a lever to improve the life of the about 87 million of people in Europe living with some form of disability.

Improving long-term care services

At the first meeting of national long-term care coordinators, Commissioner Schmit emphasised their crucial role in driving relevant national reforms and contributing to EU-level cooperation.

Euronews: how can Europe grow its social economy?

The latest episode of Euronews Real Economy delves into Europe's social economy and how it can foster growth. Explore Sweden's social economy entreprises, which prioritise social and environmental objectives over profit.

Test 2

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Section 7


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Pact for Skills advances skills training in Europe

With 2 million people benefiting from up-and re-skilling activities, 15 500 training programs updated or developed, and €160 million invested in various skills initiatives, the impact of the Pact for Skills is evident.

Follow our EU Skills & Business page on LinkedIn

Stay updated on topics such as skills, social rights and single market by following our new LinkedIn page "EU Skills & Business" in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW)!