Success Stories: Watch the testimonials of some of the companies who have received financing after being published on the Portal.

About the InvestEU Portal

Are you a project promoter of a project based in the EU, Norway and Iceland who wants to reach potential investors worldwide? Register your project in the InvestEU Portal and boost its visibility to a large network of international investors! Start today by submitting your project below.

Or are you an investor looking for investment opportunities in areas such as energy efficiency, transport, healthcare, renewable energy, broadband infrastructure or in financing SMEs? The InvestEU Portal will offer you a broad choice of viable projects.

Latest projects

Photovoltaics 4.0

True Diagnose at PV Module Level. Beyond and above conventional monitoring!Recover up to 12% of your energy production, cut maintenance costs by up to 70%, and mitigate labor risks and CO2 emissions.


Development and market launch of an innovative patented economical and sustainable bottom-fixed foundation concept for next-gen offshore wind turbines to reduce the levelized cost of renewable energy

Environmental Intelligence Platform

Orbify transforms Earth Observation data into environmental impact analytics and evidence