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This is our first newsletter since the outbreak of the pandemic crisis and we all had and have to adjust to the new conditions. The EU wants to provide as much help as possible during the crisis and support the EU economies' quick recovery after the crisis. Therefore, the EU has developed a comprehensive “Recovery Plan for Europe” ( In these extraordinary times, online tools such as the EIPP are increasingly important. Please see below some highlights on how we have developed to adjust to this situation.

Coronavirus: Commission unveils EU vaccines strategy

On 17 June, the European Commission presented a European strategy to accelerate the development, manufacturing and deployment of vaccines against COVID-19. An effective and safe vaccine against the virus is our best bet to achieve a permanent solution to the pandemic. Time is of the essence. Every month gained in finding such a vaccine saves lives, livelihoods and billions of euros. The strategy proposes a joint EU approach and builds on the mandate received from EU health ministers.

Mário Centeno, President of the Eurogroup

“The European Semester is at the heart of the proposed Recovery and Resilience Facility and has always had a strong euro area dimension reflected in the Euro Area Recommendation. Taking this recommendation into account would be an appropriate way to give a legitimate euro area angle to the recovery funds.”