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Distinguished ECFIN lecture 2020: Globalisation in the ‘new normal’

Globalisation could potentially take many different forms but the best way to achieve a healthier, more sustainable globalisation is to improve national governance, Professor Dani Rodrik of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government said in his Distinguished ECFIN Lecture on globalisation in the ‘new normal’.

Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy

“Against the backdrop of an interrupted rebound and very high uncertainty, governments must continue to address the crisis and support the recovery. Most measures included in euro area countries' 2021 budgets rightly support economic activity. But a strong and balanced recovery depends on a swift entry into force of Next Generation EU: to rebuild confidence, relaunch investment, and push ahead with transformative reforms to preserve our planet, build fairer societies and make a success of digitalisation.”

Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for the Economy

“After the deepest recession in EU history in the first half of this year and a very strong upswing in the summer, Europe's rebound has been interrupted due to the resurgence in COVID-19 cases. Growth will return in 2021 but it will be two years until the European economy comes close to regaining its pre-pandemic level. In the current context of very high uncertainty, national economic and fiscal policies must remain supportive, while NextGenerationEU must be finalised this year and effectively rolled out in the first half of 2021.”