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Autumn package: Commission releases Opinions on the Draft Budgetary Plans of euro area Member States

The Commission has published its Opinions on the 2021 Draft Budgetary Plans (DBPs) of euro area Member States.

date:  19/11/2020

See alsoEuropean Semester Autumn Package: Suppor...

The plans published on 18 November take into account the ongoing health crisis, the high level of uncertainty and the severe economic downturn resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak. The Commission has assessed that all DBPs are overall in line with the Council's recommendations of 20 July 2020. Most of the measures support economic activity against the background of considerable uncertainty. Some measures set out in the Draft Budgetary Plans of France, Italy, Lithuania and Slovakia do not appear to be temporary or matched by offsetting measures. Moreover, Lithuania submitted its Draft Budgetary Plan based on a no-policy-change scenario and was invited to submit an updated Draft Budgetary Plan. For Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain, given the level of their government debt and high sustainability challenges in the medium-term before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission advised that it is important to ensure that, when taking supporting budgetary measures, fiscal sustainability in the medium-term is preserved.